Every detail matters
My Holistic Services
Manual Body Lymph Drainage
Sometimes mistakenly "lymphatic massage". Due to its proven results, manual lymph drainage is also widely used in healthcare. Lymphatic system is responsible for waste products removal. Some of the effects of manual lymph drainage are faster sports recovery (lactic acid drainage from muscles), removal of toxins during slimming procedures, improvement of metabolism and immunity, slowing down aging of the skin, acne prevention, swelling alleviation, celulite, lipedema etc. prevention, speeding up healing after surgery, overall body detox. Manual lymphatic drainage is generally beneficial and the queen of recovery methods all over the world. The recommended length of one therapy is 60 minutes for the upper body, 75 minutes for the lower body or 90 minutes for a combination of both. Longer sessions are not recommended by professionals due to burden on the heart, liver and kidneys. More frequent sessions are more beneficial.

Deep Tissue Massage
I use various techniques and methods within my education and experience to address imbalances causing pain, discomfort or limitations. Mobilization techniques, fascial release, deep tissue techniques, trigger point therapy, assisted stretching, MET's, cupping, just to name a few. The combination I choose is always based on an individual assessment. The most popular massage within my practice.
Sports Massage
Whether you need to prepare for a sports activity, aid recovery or simply improve your every day life, with my Sports Massage I tailor your session to work on your specific goals and needs and target demanding areas.

Swedish Massage
Swedish Massage gets you feeling free and clear of all worries and stressors that life places upon us. This treatment improves blood and lymph flow, resulting in an overall relaxation and unity of mind and body. During your visit, I also pay attention to other details to upgrade a classical massage to a luxury experience.
Prenatal Massage
With my Prenatal Massage, clients claim to feel relaxed and renewed after each session. Massage is not recommended during the first trimester. However, it is very relevant especially towards the final stages of pregnancy with the increasing pressure on the body. I practice various techniques to bring as much relief as possible.


Buccal and Facelift Massage
Buccal and Facelift Massage helps activate natural healing and elasticity increasing proceses of the skin and restore emotional well-being. For the face lifting part I use a small amount of natural oil. If you wish to enrich the procedure with the buccal inter oral massage, it is done without oil while wearing disposable gloves. Thanks to this method I can access muscles inaccessible with any other. This exceptional and increasingly popular massage helps with loss of skin elasticity, face swelling, face asymetry, headaches, teeth grinding, wrinkles, enlargement and shift of fatty pads, eyebags, and others. The result is viisble after the first treatment. To maintain the effect, few times a year, a procedure of five to ten visits once a week is advised, and then once a month in between this period. It is advisable to plan any other facial procedures after the Facelift Massage. BUY NOW A PACKAGE DEAL OF 5 + 1 FREE. The package is valid for eight weeks after the first massage.
British Facelift Massage
British Facelift Massage is a gentle procedure composed of several thoroughly considered stages and exact tactile sequence in order to harmonize the body, smooth out and lift the skin, ground and achieve an exceptional relaxation. Among fresh, young feeling skin, I help clients reduce their stress and anxiety. The British Facelift Massage also includes the chest, neck and head. It is done without oil or with a minimum amount of oil. Simple but beautiful.

Maderoterapie je ideální, chcete-li pomoci tvarovat postavu či zbavit se celulitidy bez invazivního zákroku. Výsledky lze často pozorovat již od pěti až deseti sezení. Proceduru je vhodné opakovat tři až čtyřikrát do roka. Účinky maderoterapie fungují na principech zahřátí tkání, rozbití a odvodu tuku a škodlivin vlivem mechanického působení dřevěných masážních pomůcek. Maderoterapie Vám rozproudí krev a nabije Vás energií. KUPTE SI NYNÍ VÝHODNĚ BALÍČEK 5 + 1 ZDARMA. Balíček je platný osm týdnů od první masáže.
Now a package combining MADEROTHERAPY AND MANUAL LYMPH DRAINAGE 5 + 1 FREE, two sessions per week is also available. Manual lymph drainage ensures a final proper drainage and removal of all excess fluids and toxins.

Mobile Massage
This solution saves you time and worries and enables you to get much needed relaxation or deep massage at your home, office or other space. You can relax right after the massage in your own comfort or easily resume your previous activity. I can drive with my massage table and all equipment anywhere in Prague. Please prepare your own comfortable underwear. Get in touch to discuss which option fits your individual needs.
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Massage from Helena was very relaxing, enjoyable and also beneficial. It helped me a lot at times of dance events when my body became quite overloaded and tired. Helena has a huge experience, practice and a great technique. So for me I can only recommend! 🙂